Flywheel – what is it?

Published: 31.10.22Marketing
Flywheel - what is it?

The flywheel is a business model and growth strategy that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a cyclical process that involves using customer experience, marketing, and sales to attract and retain customers, generating momentum and accelerating business growth.

In this article, we will explore what the flywheel is, how it works, and its benefits for businesses.

What is the flywheel?

The flywheel is a business model and growth strategy that is based on the concept of a mechanical flywheel, which stores energy and maintains momentum. In the business context, the flywheel represents a cyclical process that involves attracting and retaining customers, generating momentum, and accelerating business growth.

The flywheel consists of three main components: customer experience, marketing, and sales. These components work together in a continuous cycle to drive business growth and create a sustainable competitive advantage.

How does the flywheel work?

The flywheel works by focusing on the customer experience, rather than the traditional sales funnel model. The goal is to create a positive customer experience that leads to customer retention, referrals, and repeat business. This, in turn, generates momentum and accelerates business growth.

The flywheel consists of three main stages:

  1. Attract: The first stage of the flywheel involves attracting new customers through marketing efforts such as social media, content marketing, and advertising.
  2. Engage: The second stage involves engaging with customers and creating a positive customer experience through high-quality products or services, personalized interactions, and excellent customer service.
  3. Delight: The final stage involves delighting customers through repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews, creating momentum and accelerating business growth.

Benefits of the flywheel for businesses

  1. Focuses on the customer experience: The flywheel places a strong emphasis on the customer experience, which can help businesses build strong, long-term relationships with customers.
  2. Creates sustainable growth: The cyclical nature of the flywheel creates momentum and accelerates business growth over time, creating a sustainable competitive advantage.
  3. Improves efficiency: The flywheel encourages businesses to focus on the most effective marketing and sales strategies, improving efficiency and reducing waste.
  4. Encourages collaboration: The flywheel involves multiple departments, such as marketing and sales, working together to achieve a common goal, encouraging collaboration and cooperation.


The flywheel is a business model and growth strategy that focuses on the customer experience, creating momentum and accelerating business growth over time. By attracting and retaining customers, generating momentum, and improving efficiency, businesses can create a sustainable competitive advantage and achieve long-term success.

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